The Items You Need to Have on Your Baby Registry

Creating a baby registry is an exciting and practical step for expectant parents as it helps friends and family contribute essential items for the upcoming arrival. To ensure you’re well-prepared for your baby’s needs, curating a comprehensive registry is crucial. Here’s a guide on the items you need to have on your baby registry:

Nursery Essentials:

Crib or Bassinet: A safe and comfortable sleeping space for your baby.

Changing Table: A dedicated area for diaper changes with storage for diapers and wipes.

Dresser: To store baby clothes, blankets, and other essentials.

Feeding Supplies:

Breast Pump: For breastfeeding mothers, a quality breast pump is essential.

Bottles and Nipples: Whether you breastfeed or use formula, having a variety of bottles and nipples is beneficial.

Nursing Pillow: Provides support during breastfeeding sessions.

Burp Cloths: Essential for managing spit-up during and after feeding.

Diapering Essentials:

Diapers: Stock up on different sizes for the first few months.

Wipes: Gentle wipes for diaper changes.

Diaper Bag: A spacious and organized bag for carrying diapers, wipes, and other essentials.

Diaper Pail: To contain and mask the smell of dirty diapers.

Clothing and Linens:

Onesies and Sleepsuits: Comfortable one-piece outfits for day and night.

Swaddle Blankets: Soft blankets for swaddling and keeping your baby snug.

Hats and Socks: Keep your baby’s head warm and feet covered.

Sleep Sacks: Provide a safe and cozy sleeping environment.

Baby Gear:

Stroller: A reliable stroller for walks and outings.

Car Seat: A must-have for safely transporting your baby in the car.

Baby Carrier: Allows for hands-free carrying and bonding with your baby.

Bouncer or Swing: Provides a soothing motion for naps and playtime.

Health and Safety Items:

Baby Monitor: Allows you to watch your baby while they sleep.

Thermometer: For monitoring your baby’s temperature.

Nasal Aspirator: Helps clear your baby’s nasal passages.

Baby First Aid Kit: Includes essentials like bandages, antiseptic, and infant-friendly medications.

Toiletries and Bathing Supplies:

Baby Shampoo and Wash: Gentle products for your baby’s sensitive skin.

Soft Towels and Washcloths: Perfect for bath time.

Baby Brush and Comb: Keeps your baby’s hair tidy and tangle-free.

Playtime and Developmental Toys:

Soft Toys: Stuffed animals and soft toys for cuddling.

Baby Gym: A playmat with hanging toys for tummy time and sensory development.

Rattles and Teething Toys: Helps with early sensory exploration.

Registry Completion Discounts and Perks:

Many retailers offer completion discounts for items remaining on your registry after your baby shower. Take advantage of these discounts to purchase any remaining essentials.

Gift Cards:

Include various gift cards to baby stores or general retailers, allowing you to fill in any gaps in your baby supplies as needed.

Creating a well-thought-out baby registry ensures you receive the items you need to care for your newborn. Regularly update your registry based on your preferences and needs, and remember to express your gratitude to those who contribute to your baby’s essentials.

from Dr. Lori Gore-Green | Women’s Health Professional

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